
Montessori Childrenʼs House is for conscious, mindful parents who believe in their childʼs innate wisdom and want to provide a healthy foundation for their childʼs unique potential to shine through.


“My two younger children went to Montessori Childrenʼs House at the ages of 3 and 4; they are now teenagers. MCH has a welcoming vibe where teachers are passionate about honouring the Montessori philosophy while being very caring and gentle towards the children. It is a holistic place to learn and play where art and culture are integrated into the curriculum. I believe the curiosity, love of learning and exploration sparked at MCH are extremely valauble life skills that the children take into their formal school years that will later help them succeed in the future. I do not hesitate to recommend friends to MCH.”

“As a mum, the right school for my kids is one where there is free play, child-led initiatives, age-appropriate activities and a deep understanding of the childrenʼs developmental stages. One of the most important factors is the heartware – truly caring teachers who nurture a childʼs inner being – as they interact with the children the most. I value the heartwarming and enduring bonds the children and teachers share at Montessori Childrenʼs House. My kids have long graduated but they still love going back whenever they can to visit the teachers and the school. Even though Montessori Childrenʼs House prepares my kids with a solid foundation for counting and writing, what I cherish most are the life skills and precious memories my kids have gained.”

“Three of our children had the opportunity to go to MCH and we are all remembering our time there very fondly. It always felt like a second home, where our children formed a true connection to the educators who took time to know each child as an individual and guided them according to their strengths and abilities. I always knew my children were in the best hands and felt supported and encouraged myself when I was looking for advice as a young parent new to life in Singapore. MCH became our "village". The school cultivated a real feeling of community both among the students and with their families so that parents and siblings felt welcome and included. Beautiful friendships were made there and we are still in touch with some of these friends even now when our children are teenagers.We are certain that the spirit of self-directed learning and exploration that was instilled in our children was a major contributor to their continuing love for learning and their academic success. (Our 17 year old daughter credits the fact that she - as a German - is fluent in Mandarin and will take it as a subject in her high school leaving exams to first learning it at MCH.) What is much more important though is that the values our children learned and practiced at MCH allowed them to grow into caring and responsible human beings who can easily integrate into their community. We can't speak highly enough of this school and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a genuine Montessori education for their children with educators who are truly passionate about their calling.”

“We were on a look out for a childcare/infant community that would align with our values and belief in setting the right foundation for our child of being a good human first than anything else.We wanted our child to have a childhood where he not only could play,but also learn about life & values in a loving and holistic way,to be able to be his true self as per Montessori Pedagogy.Where he would be respected & valued for expressing himself to keep up his confidence & not dampen his little spirit by shutting him down.Develop independence & take responsibilities of his own actions.Learn from adults through their interactions and their engagement by life tasks e.g. bread making, gardening, sweeping, cleaning,decorating,painting, singing, dancing etc.And we found them at Montessori Children's House.The teachers are very knowledgeable, passionate, warm,caring & gentle.My son finds it as his safe & happy place.As soon as I drop him at school he clings on to the teachers as if they are family.The small exchanges with teachers about my child's activities at school, during drop off & pick up makes me feel connected & part of the school.The loving,soft & humble nature of senior leadership like Ms Corine & Ms Carolyn at school gives that extra comfort that this school is not about business,they truly understand how valuable these tiny humans are for the future of our society & world as a whole.If you are someone looking for a fancier school with outer asthetics & super modern facilities,it might not meet your expectations but it's a hidden jewel in terms of quality it can bring in to our children's life in their very formative years..We are very happy sending our son to MCH & highly recommend to parents who are on a look out for a true Montessori way of learning..Thank you so much🙏”

“My girl joined MCH the year she turned 3 and spent 4 wonderful years there. It was such delight to see how she blossomed into a happy , free spirited individual with a great passion for reading. She didn’t see it as a school with just rules and boundaries but a safe place to explore, make mistakes and learn. It was also at MCH that she made her first ‘real friend’ whom she is still in contact now (she turned 8 this year). Till today, she still ask to go back to MCH during the holiday program as a little volunteer, a great evidence of how much she enjoyed her school days. Unknowingly to her, all these didn’t come as a coincidence. The conducive environment, caring teachers and a child led Montessori learning style are all instrumental to her development.From a parental perspective, MCH offered more than a place for our child to learn and grow. The teachers acted like an extended village, sharing and teaching me as a 1st time parent. Instead of a one way feedback session of how our child was doing in school, there were many a time where I shared the challenges I face throughout her growing years and received tremendous support and encouragement.Is it then a school for everyone ? Maybe not. If you are someone who wow at the brightly coloured giant slide and fancy playgrounds, then perhaps the seemingly simple, practical yet thoughtful set up may appear boring. However if you value and believe that every child is different and thus he/she shall learn best at their own pace under the guidance of a genuinely caring and interested educator, then you would be pleasantly surprised by this rare gem.”

“My daughter spent more than five years in Montessori Children's House, and my husband and I have never once regretted this decision. We were taken since our first visit, when our guide, one of the directresses of the school, gently but firmly shared about the need to guide these young ones well, even if it entailed putting our daughter through the pains of growth.We love MCH's philosophy to learning and play. Children are encouraged to be independent in learning, and to live in community with each other. We see this playing out in how the children interact with each other and take care of one another. The school also balances holistic growth with academic progression, and there was no suggestion of overpreparation or schoolification of the precious preschooler years.MCH's staff have been ever supportive from the outset. The teachers and administrative team provide timely updates to us, and encourage two-way communication so that they would be better prepared to support our daughter's development in preschool. They are a most responsive and happy team, and this is clear from its stability - any changes to the staff are communicated openly and promptly to all parents. It was easy to entrust our daughter in their care, and she grew to love her teachers very much.The thought that goes into all that MCH undertakes never failed to impress us, all the way till our daughter's graduation day. Nothing was commercial; everything they did was relational, and centred on the nurturing of wholesome relationships. Our daughter has grown into a confident, happy little lady, and is well-placed to enter primary school, thanks to the wonderful time she spent with MCH.I would absolutely recommend MCH to anybody looking for a preschool for their child.”

“A great pre-school that follows the real Montessori way of teaching. The Teachers were all very kind and invoked on their students a great passion for learning. I was always impressed how the school always had a very calm and peaceful environment despite having lots of kids milling about. When I see my kids all grown up and having such calm demeanour I can’t help but say that it was greatly influenced by the years they spent in MCH. Lots of wonderful memories were made in this wonderful pre-school.”

“Both of my daughter and son attended MCH and my little boy graduated in Nov 2023. My kids had wonderful growing-up time at MCH. The teachers and the principal have been very caring, loving and patient, and the turnover of staffs has been very low.Kids learn to respect themselves, others around them and the environment. They are well prepared for entering primary schools and become independent and responsible individuals.I am very graceful that someone introduced this hidden gem to us back in 2015. There has been no single doubt nor regret in making the decision to travel from Bishan to Bukit Timah every week day because we knew our kids were in good hands and safe environment in MCH.It is sad to say goodbye to MCH despite we could save quite some traveling time. If we would have a third child, we would make the same choice again.Thank you, MCH, the founders and teachers, for guiding and being part of the start of our kid’s’ lives! We and the kids will definitely miss you!”

“Great and positive learning environment for the kids. The teachers are very kind and caring. They nurture the children and guide them through such formative years of their childhood. Love MCH very much and highly recommend them! :)”

“Over a decade has passed since my time at MCH, and the warmth of nostalgia still envelops me with gratitude. This remarkable institution, where education transcended traditional boundaries, left an indelible mark on my heart. The passionate educators at MCH not only imparted knowledge but ignited a lifelong love for learning through their hands-on approach and commitment to fostering independence. The sense of community cultivated within those vibrant walls has endured, shaping enduring friendships and instilling values of respect and kindness. Today, I still keep in touch with some of the teachers here, as well as friends from my batch, maintaining connection through celebratory texts and occasional meetups. MCH is not just a school; it's a timeless sanctuary where hearts and minds are nurtured, and I am forever grateful for the enduring impact it has had on my life.P.S. I still remember how to build the Roman Arch HEHE”

“Great, safe & inspiring atmosphere for kids to bloom at 🪷”

“Both our children spent 4 years each at MCH (N1, N2, K1, K2), and it was a fantastic experience for them. We wanted a true Montessori education in a school that was certified to deliver such education (as opposed to schools who tried to do some Montessori, but their teachers were not really trained fully in it). The teacher-student ratio was low, which meant the children got a lot of attention. The teachers were kind and patient. The education was child-lead, meaning that the teachers followed the child's rate of progress (which is really important as children will blossom, just perhaps at different rates and in different domains at different times). Our children learnt many skills such as scaffolding, breaking down a problem into parts and solving the problems, interacting with children of different ages, and they got to play :) etc. The school had a great bridging program to prepare the children for primary 1 in a mainstream non-Montessori school. This worked very well. Both our children transitioned very well into primary 1; the primary 1 teachers were very impressed at how independently our children learnt and how well they manage their behavior. The school is different in its physical set up from traditional school, and it was not fully air-conditioned (when my kids were there). I liked that very much as fully airconditioned schools are associated with an increased risk of getting airborne infections. Our children are now 13 and 10 years old, and they are thriving in their current schools and lives. We still fondly remember and appreciate MCH.”

“Sending my kids to this school was the best decision ever. The teachers were extremely patient with the kids and dedicated in bringing out the best in them. MCH has set a strong foundation for them easily transitioning then into the local school system. My kids loved the school and still speak fondly of the times they had there!”

“Very happy that I made the choice to enquire and make an appointment for a visit to the school when I was looking for a place that uses the Montessori method and had mixed age group children. Being with children of varied ages allowed my son to learn from his peers as well as learn how to mentor others.My son still remembers his time there fondly.Teachers and staff truly care for the children. My son received quality education and learnt skills that help him to continue to grow and explore now that he is in primary school.I feel it has suited our family well as the teachers were all very patient with my curious one and taught him how to pursue knowledge instead of simply giving him answers!”

“My son really enjoyed his time at MCH. The teachers take a genuine interest in the children and their personal development, not just academics. The class sizes are kept small and each child gets the attention they require. The experience was enriching and my son still fondly remembers his time spent there.”

“Couldn’t agree more with the other reviews. My boy started at MCH from 2 yo till graduation. We went scouting for at least a dozen other pre-schools and decided on MCH because we liked the way teachers interacted with the children and saw how happy and confident the children were. It was one of the best decision we made for our kid! He had so many happy memories of the school’s friends, teachers and staff. The teachers are attentive and caring - they understand each of the children well - sometimes I personally feel they know my child more than I do :) Most importantly, the teachers, especially Ms Carolyn will always remind us to see things in the eyes of the child. This school has the children's interest at heart - always.”

“All my three children went to MCH. MCH was a haven for learning - academic and social. We liked the purist Montessori approach where children mixed freely and with peers as well as seniors, and took on tasks which interested them, when they were ready for them. Yet, there was system in the freedom to explore.My children joined when they were 3 years old and still very attached to me, and they resisted leaving my side. Miss Carolyn and the teachers ensured that the transition was gentle for both me and my children. I was never forced to let my children cry it out. I was so grateful for that. The teachers are effective, patient and responsible, under the leadership of Ms Carolyn & Ms Corinne. MCH also organised many meaningful and intimate programmes for the children and family members.My children are now 15, 11 and 9. They all remember their days and teachers in MCH fondly.”

“My daughter went to MCH more than 10 years ago and I think it takes a special kindy that stays with the child for the child to still remember her experiences like sewing buttons, independent work and the teachers who taught her there. The hands on application of math is a solid foundation for later school years. I particularly liked that fact that children at that age were not given any electronic devices to "enhance" learning. Everything was hands on by both child and teacher. The teachers really cared about the character development of the child and looked out for her. She had a wonderful time at MCH. I think the value of having a REAL Montessori lead early child education is that it stays with you for life. We couldn't recommend it more!”

“The teachers and principal are really sincere educators who not only put in alot of time and effort in educating the children in the Montessori ways but also genuinely care for them in such a wonderful way that their time there will forever be etched in their memories. I love that the school is unpretentious and provide a safe nurturing environment for the preschoolers. Even the craft or drawing materials used are carefully sourced to ensure that it’s safe for the children’s use. When feedback is given it’s done solely for the good of the children’s growth even if it may not be something parents want to hear at that point in time. The teachers are strict and firm yet kind and loving at the same time. Appreciate everything the school has done for my kids who attended school there.”

“MCH ticks all the boxes when it comes to quality education. Loving and safe environment ✅ Caring, trustworthy and passionate teachers ✅ Sound pedagogy ✅ Best learning practices ✅ Holistic and Creative ✅. I have no doubt that my children are thriving independent learners at high school now because of the foundation that was laid during their formative years at MCH.”

“Truly appreciated MCH's individual approach to learning and the development of my children while ensuring they were ready for P1. The teachers are caring and create a supportive environment built on mutual respect.”

“We would highly recommend Montessori Children’s House (MCH) to anyone looking for a pre-school where your children will be allowed to learn holistically at their own pace in a loving environment, while being prepared fully for our local education system.Our 4 children spent a total of 11 wonderful, fun-filled years at MCH. There was very low turnover amongst the teachers, which provided a consistent and loving environment for our kids.They were well supported in their learning, and the teachers always kept us parents updated on their progress and needs.I appreciated that the teachers did not focus only on academic aspects, but on the development of our children as whole individuals, teaching them life skills and social skills, amongst others.Our children transitioned seamlessly to the Singapore primary school system, and thrived.All 4 of them think fondly back on their days at MCH and the loving care they received from Ms Carolyn, Ms Corinne and all their teachers there. ❤️”

“We are truly thankful to the team at MCH for their love and care for our girl. We were told by a previous school that our girl (3 years old then) needed extra outside tuition help. We weren’t sure if that’s necessary yet and decided to change a style of teaching and learning instead and found MCH.So thankful we did! Our girl has since blossomed and is doing well in primary school! Without any other additional help, she’s thriving, reading and writing very well.Thank you so much for making such a positive difference in her life!”

“Both our kids went to the wonderful Montessori Children’s House. Their (and our experience) was amazing and we all have very fond memories of their time at the school. Couldn’t recommend it enough. All the team are fantastic and seriously dedicated.”

“We educated all three of our children at Montessori Children's House and could not have been happier. The teachers work as a team to support and guide children through a crucial stage of their development, in an environment that feels like a home away from home. The quiet industry of the children at their "work" was always a joy to behold! Thank you for such a wonderful start to our children's educational journey!”

“The interactive activities and caring teachers were essential for my formative years at MCH, a place I'll always hold dear to my heart!”

“Montessori was an excellent experience and the teachers are kind and amazing. highly recommend!”

“This is one of the few true Montessori pre-schools in Singapore that offers mixed level classes where the older children assumes big sister/brother’s responsibility to help their younger classmates. Teachers are patient, dedicated and well-trained in the Montessori curriculum. Both my daughters spent several years there and it has certainly helped to shape them into what they are now.”

“My girl had a great time & learning experience over 5 years. She had attended this school from 18months to graduation.Loved the friendly environment with outdoor space. Small group class which can have more interaction with peers and teachers. Thanks so much to the teachers from the montessori children's house!Definitely recommended who looking for the preschool 🙌”

“Both my kids attended MCH. My eldest since he was 3 years old and my youngest since 2 years old.As working parents, MCH has ensured that our kids were well prepared for the academic rigour of primary school. We did not have to enrol in enrichment programs externally. Also, the teachers are all very caring and truly cared for the welfare of all the kids. My kids also develop socially and had their best growing up years in MCH. Today, they are both thriving in their respective primary schools.MCH is a true Montessori school following the practices closely. I would highly recommend this pre school.”



